Is Google Holding Your Blog Traffic Hostage?

Let’s get real for a second.

Have you noticed that Google’s been acting up lately?

I mean, one day your blog was doing fine, then bam!

The dreaded Google apocalypse hits.

Suddenly, your hard-earned traffic just… vanishes.

It happened to me, too.

One day, everything was smooth.

The next? Crickets.

So, I decided to shake things up.

I couldn’t just sit back and watch my blog fade away.

I needed a new strategy.

A fresh approach.

Enter Pinterest.

I spent months testing, tweaking, and figuring out what works.

And guess what?

It worked.

Big time.

Blog Traffic Isn't Stopping

My blog traffic started climbing, and it hasn’t stopped since.

Now, I can’t keep this to myself.

I’ve put everything I’ve learned into one course just for you.

It’s called Pin and Win because that’s exactly what you’ll do—win back your traffic and then some.

If you’re tired of relying on Google, and you’re ready to see real, fast results, this is for you.

Let’s get those pins working for you.

Let’s win this together.

I Started New Sites And....

When I saw this strategy work for a brand new sites I started less than a month ago, I wanted to see if it would work for other blogs with different niche topics.

And guess what?

It IS working (and even for my established sites too).

Because I'm working on several sites at once they didn't grow as rapidly as my newest site but they are growing...and growing..and growing!

Traffic = Money

This new way to blog can be scalable.

I'm working on that now.

But, why am I starting several new sites every month?

Because traffic = money

Mediavine Journey is making it possible to be profitable with a smaller blog.

I have one niche site with Mediavine Journey and I can't believe how much money I'm making already!

And, you know what?

This can happen with your blog too, all thanks to Pinterest.

About Your Instructor

Hey new blogger! I’m Elna and I was just like you not too long ago.

Once I found the exact strategies I needed to create a successful blog with traffic and a loyal following, I tripled my blog’s traffic, grew my list to 15000+ subscribers and now my blog generates well over $10000 a month passively – and I started new blogs not too long ago!

I’ve helped thousands of new bloggers figure out their niche, get their voice out there and grow their blog, email list, traffic and income.

And now, I want to help you grow a successful blog and list!

How Pin & Win Will Help You

Ready to stop waiting months for traffic and finally see results that matter?

With the Pin & Win It course, you'll get the tools and strategies to take control of your blog’s traffic—without relying on Google’s unpredictable algorithm.

Here’s what you’ll achieve:

Create pins that drive traffic in days, not months – Start seeing immediate results with a proven Pinterest strategy that works even for brand-new blogs.

Build a scalable traffic source – No more waiting on Google. Learn how to turn Pinterest into a reliable, long-term source of blog traffic.

Monetize your blog faster – Get the traffic you need to qualify for ad networks, affiliate programs, and more, putting you on the fast track to earning money through your blog.

Don’t leave your traffic up to chance—let Pinterest do the heavy lifting for you!


1. What if Pinterest doesn’t work for my niche?

Pinterest works for a wide range of niches! In the course I show you how you can find if your niche will be successful and an easy to to make it successful for Pinterest even if you have a niche like mine – blogging!

2. I don’t have time to learn Pinterest. Will this course still work for me?

Absolutely! This course is designed for busy bloggers like you.

The Pin & Win It process is broken down into bite-sized, actionable steps that you can implement even with a tight schedule.

You’ll get quick wins without spending hours learning a new platform.

Watch it over the weekend, and apply it the next week!

3. How fast will I see results from this strategy?

Many students start seeing traffic growth within days of implementing the strategies from Pin & Win It.

But I do suggest to work hard at it for a good month before you make your judgement on whether it's working. For one of my blogs, I saw fast growth, then stall, then slow growth. Other blogs it's slow growth from the start.

I can't guarantee you'll see the same results as me. I am trying to create this strategy in all sorts of topics to get a better understanding of whether my strategy can work. So far, it IS working.

4. What if I’ve tried Pinterest before and didn’t see results?

If you’ve struggled with Pinterest in the past, it’s likely because you didn’t have a proven strategy.

The Pin & Win It course is based on real results from multiple blogs in different niches.

You’ll learn step-by-step how to create high-converting pins and avoid the common mistakes that hold most bloggers back.

7. Do I need to spend money on tools to make this work?

Yes and no. I do share several important tools you NEED to make this strategy work. Some of these tools have a free trial or a cheaper subscription model. What you can do is use alternate free tools in place of what I'm using. But if you do this, I can't guarantee you'll see the same results.

After You Enroll in Pin & Win

you enroll in Pin & Win you'll get:

Video tutorials


Resources to help you succeed faster

Access to me for life!

Note: I do share with you some free and paid tools but some of the paid ones have free trials for you to check out. And you may already have these tools.